5 New Year Goals for your business

You may well be enjoying a few well deserved days off for Christmas and New Year so why not make the use of that brain-space to come up with some resolutions or goals for your business? Here are 5 things we recommend you plan for 2021.

1. Review your website

If your business is anything like ours it has grown and developed in ways you couldn’t predict, so it is worth giving your website the once-over to see if it still works for you. Your digital housekeeping should include checking your links to make sure they still work; you may have taken on a new social media platform, make sure it is hooked up to your website.

Do some basic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Are your keywords still relevant? You can use a SEO checker to see what your SEO score is. That can sometimes be an eye opener – perhaps have a festive drink first.

Run a critical eye over your content. Are you using your keywords, albeit in a natural, flowing way? Are the words you wrote way back when you started your business still relevant to the operation it is today?

2. Audit your social media

Now would be a good time to take a look back over your social media posts and see what worked best. Has your style changed? Are you still posting as frequently? What about your images – are you happy with them? Which posts had the most LIKES or COMMENTS? Have a click on Insights and take a look at the statistics (go on, don’t be frightened), you can have a look at engagement rates and reach.

3. Plan goals for your social media

Hands up if your content strategy consists of racking your brains for an idea then quickly posting it. Don’t worry you are with friends here and you are certainly not alone. Do you find you have those days when nothing is coming to mind and either social media annoys you because it’s eating into your valuable time or you decide to just give it a miss and promise yourself you’ll do a better job next time?

Tell you what, try this – take an hour and have a brainstorm, plan out some ideas for the next two months for things you might like to post then follow your plan to the letter. You can add more posts if something else occurs to you along the way but if nothing does then you will still have fresh content on your social platforms because you planned ahead. If you are feeling very swotty you could even write some content in advance and schedule it.

4. Set some goals for 2021

What are your goals for 2021? Goal setting is a great motivating tool. Goals can help you turn what was just a vision into a reality. Set yourself a couple of realistic goals and what a sense of achievement you’ll have when you tick them off as done.

5. Start a blog

Been thinking of starting a blog? Make 2021 the year you do it. How long does it take you to write 300-500 words? How often can you spare that time? You might decide to write once a month or once a week, it actually doesn’t matter. What’s important is planning your blog and sticking to your schedule. So don’t be overly ambitious, ensure your blog commitment is realistic or you won’t do it. There are many reasons why a blog is good for your business . Good content can raise your website up the search listings but it can also give your business soul and help you connect with potential customers.

Good luck and here’s to a much better 2021.

If you need a bit of help giving your business a fresh start this New Year Lime Communications can help you audit your social media, refresh your website and get started on a blog. Find out more about prices here.

Published by louiseskwood

A professionally-trained journalist currently working in communications, with a special interest in small businesses and the not-for-profit sector.

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