Does my business need a blog?

Do you remember when blogs were just journals, an online way for folks to unpack emotional baggage or a convenient outlet for those who really loved to tell everyone else how to do things? That was back in the noughties, blogs have come a long way since then and are a very handy and cost effective marketing tool for your business. So the short answer is YES, you should have a blog and here are some of the reasons why.

A blog can direct online customers to your business

A blog will improve your SEO (search engine optimisation). In simple terms, it will make it easier for your website to be found when someone does a search related to your business. Here’s how: Google use an algorithm to prioritise which websites you see first when you hit search and that algorithm is attracted to fresh content.

Now, your website is gorgeous, with all the right info on it, but ultimately it is static. Let’s face it, you want it that way, who needs to be updating their webpage all the time. But how are the Google search engines or web crawlers (shudder) going to find it if they are only really interested in fresh content and your website has none? The answer is put a blog page on it, and keep adding content. To get into poll position on search results, without paying for the privilege, you need to be offering up fresh content.

Web crawlers are attracted to fresh content

algorithm [al-guh-rith-uhm] noun

a set of mathematical instructions or rules that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate a problem

Example: you run a personal training business and a potential client, looking to shed a few lockdown pounds, Googles the keywords personal trainer, if you have nice fresh blog content linked to your website you are more likely to be closer to the top of the list of search results than if you don’t and your chances of winning that client just increased.

A blog can build your brand

That was quite technical, I feel like we need a breather. A blog site is a great way to help build your brand by establishing your voice. You can’t tell your full story on social media (especially Twitter, right), a blog is an opportunity to let your customers and potential customers know who you are and what you stand for. Done right it can help develop your personality which in turn will increase customer loyalty and trust.

I am writing this in 2020 surrounded by Covid restrictions, some of which mean some businesses can no longer meet their customers like they used to, making it very tricky to show who they really are. If you can’t do face-to-face then now is a pretty legit time to start blogging instead. Go on, tell your story. You can find more advice here on how to make communications work for your business during Covid.

To get to the top of the search list, without paying for the privilege, you need to be offering up fresh content

A blog can establish you as a thought-leader

A blog is your chance to share your knowledge and expertise. With a blog you can knowledge drip, slowly revealing tips and tricks of the trade to your customer, establishing yourself as a go-to source. You can add value with entertaining or interesting content or perhaps it’s in the telling of your own story that your customer starts to relate to you. If you inspire your audience it might lead towards a sale.

How long should my blog be (and other questions)?

So how long then?

There is not a straight answer to this anymore. It used to be 7 minutes or 1,600 words, which was handy, but the Google algorithm is constantly morphing and demanding different requirements. There is a general theory that long blogs work well for the algorithm, upwards of 3000 words but we are not algorithms and as a writer this kind of offends me. My view is if your blog is quality people will want to read it and it will get noticed regardless of length. Try a few different lengths and see what works. Realistically I would be asking myself who has time to run a business and write a 3000 word essay on a regular basis – and also who would have time to read it?

How often should I post a blog?

Again this depends on your business and how much you can manage. The search engines like consistency so whatever you decide on try and keep it regular. If you post too often you might be scraping the barrel for content ideas and exhausting yourself, better, maybe, to post less and deliver quality. As a benchmark if you consistently post fresh content once a week that should start to make an impact on the search engines.

Don’t be hard on yourself if your blog has fallen by the wayside

What should I write?

Your blog shouldn’t be sell, sell, sell. You can link to your website through the content in your blog and this could very well inspire a sale. Think of your blog as your backstory, a great source of information and a range of interesting topics that help build up the personality of your business. One idea would be to spend a couple of hours planning what you would like to write about, you might start to see themes developing and a schedule might be what you need to help you keep your blog going.

Who should write my blog?

You might be someone who loves writing, in which case a blog can be a real creative outlet. Or you might be so passionate about your product or service that the words fly from your keyboard. In both of those cases get writing your own blog! But do not be too hard on yourself if you have writers’ block at the mention of blogging. You may have started off at full throttle and found even though you enjoy it, keeping your blog fresh and productive is eating into the time you need to spend on your business. You don’t need a full scale marketing team these days to sell your story, or a massive budget. Don’t be hard on yourself if your blog has fallen by the wayside, there are many affordable options to work with a professional writer to improve your blog. Our Blog Beginner and Blog On packages start at £125 a month – take a look see what works for you.

Published by louiseskwood

A professionally-trained journalist currently working in communications, with a special interest in small businesses and the not-for-profit sector.

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