Communicating during COVID

Take advantage of the #NewNormal

Could 2020 be more challenging?

You had an idea, you bravely took the leap to make it happen, put the hours in, took the risks, you got it all going. Your small business is as challenging as it is rewarding (I am trying really hard not to use the baby analogy). And now this….

Coronavirus has shifted the goalposts, they are now upside down and hanging from the ceiling. I suspect at some point during this we’ve all felt like retreating, battening down the hatches until it all goes away.

On the head

In uncertain times our instinct is to hold back, to protect the things we feel are essential. Many businesses may not consider communications as a core component but let us show you why getting more social right now might help you score a goal – no matter where the posts are.

5 Ways Communications can help during COVID

It’s a prime time to be online

Take advantage of the increasing number of people using the internet by opening social media accounts, increasing posts on existing accounts or providing those increased users with can’t-look-away content.

UK adults spent a quarter of their waking day online during lockdown – a record high.


Replace face to face with communication online

If you are used to engaging with customers in person COVID lockdowns are going to be a nuisance. If you can’t press the flesh make sure you’re visible online instead, through your website, social media posts or blogs.

Use Social Media as a bonding exercise

This is a great opportunity to get to know your supporters and customers better. Share your story and get to know theirs. Communicate with them, you can reassure them that it is businesses as usual and empathise with them during these tough times; help them realise you understand what they are going through. Communication like this could lead to long term loyalty for your brand.

Communicate with speed and precision

Communicating during COVID gives you opportunity to make the most of your creative thinking. Thinking on your feet when the rules change has become a regular occurrence. Take advantage of the ‘new norm’ and let your customers know quickly about your fresh ways of doing things through communicating tools like social media.

Grasp new opportunity

Your competitors may instinctively pull back on their communications during COVID, a good reason why you shouldn’t. Jump firmly into any space created by other businesses holding back and populate it with your ideas, stories and news.

To survive and thrive in these strange times keep communicating.

Published by louiseskwood

A professionally-trained journalist currently working in communications, with a special interest in small businesses and the not-for-profit sector.

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