5 ways you could use Communications

At this point it would be totally understandable for you to be thinking, what actually is communications and why does my business need it? Communications is just a catch-all term for the various ways to help raise the profile of your business and put you in touch with potential clients. It’s the story of your business told in a way that appeals to your target customer.

What is Communications anyway?


A really good way to reach and engage with customers. Social media allows you to gauge how your customers feel about your product or services because customers can ‘like’ your post, add a comment or share your content.

You can react quickly with a social media account, letting your followers know about special offers, flash sales or sudden changes in operating times.

In the UK there are more than 45 million active social media users

But as relatively simple as it is to set up a social media account you will only keep your followers if you work at regularly updating with new posts and interesting content. Otherwise your account may literally get lost in the ether.


Consumers expect a business to have a website. It’s their first port of call to find out about you. It holds important information like the services you offer and crucially, how to contact you. Your website is a great opportunity to showcase the personality of your business – your brand; you can use design, colour and the right copy to set the tone.

3. PR

This is all about finding creative ways to get your brand noticed and help you gain (and keep) a fabulous reputation. It’s not something you pay for, like an ad.

“Advertising is what you pay for; publicity is what you pray for.”

This is also about telling your story, so the public understand the blood, sweat and tears you put into your business.

It could be as simple as reacting to something already in the news or it could be a cleverly orchestrated stunt or event designed to get the public to notice you and the media to take an interest.


Things you might design to help promote your business and communicate your brand or to help promote a special event. Things like signage, posters, pamphlets or newsletters. Finding the right phrases and words to sum up your business and make it stand out from the crowd.

5. EDMs (electronic mail-outs)

If you have a growing supporter base or maybe your service depends on some sort of membership or database of users then a good way to communicate with them is through regular emails. Make sure they are engaging, interesting or unique or offer a guide, information or a special offer to keep your supporters interested.

Communication Strategy

You may think, hang on, there is cross-over in those 5 examples. You’d be exactly right. The lines are blurred between the elements of communications and in fact it all works best when you are dipping into and making use of all the communications tools available. That’s where a Creative Communication Plan comes in.

It sounds quite grand but it doesn’t matter what size your business or how great or small a communications task you need to achieve you will get the most out of communications if you have a plan linking as many or as few of those elements together.

Published by louiseskwood

A professionally-trained journalist currently working in communications, with a special interest in small businesses and the not-for-profit sector.

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